Yeah, Yam Mini heard it rite....This is a new form of our very own many days can we juz have Karunaikizhangu(Yam) as fry and in curries...Enna thaan pannalam...hmm...all of this questions is wat lead me to make these cute lil yummy Yam Mini Purses...Looks like my brain is still fresh enough to grasp on to some gud ideas...Having given myself a pat already for this recipe, I think itz time we move on to what needs to be done for getting these luv'ly purses...
- Yam(Karunaikizhangu)
- oil
- Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
- Onion - 1/4 of medium
- Coriander leaves
- Chili pdr - 1 tsp
- Turmeric pdr - a pinch
- Salt
- garam masala - 1/4 tsp
- Bread
- Water
Boil Yam in salted water in a pressure cooker till the yam can be mashed well with not too much effort...Once the yam is cooked, drain the water and keep the yam aside.
In a pan, heat oil, add cumin seeds, onion, mashed yam, chili pdr, turmeric pdr, salt(if req), garam masala, coriander leaves.Saute till the masala smell leaves.
Take a bread and remove the brown crust on the sides of the the brown portion of the bread to make bread crumbs. You can use them for some other dishes in juz don't throw and waste them...with all the recession going on, I think we should think twice how efficiently we can make use of something...Correct??? Ok, moving on, Now wet the bread slightly, especially on the edges..Keep the already cooked ham in the middle of the bread piece and then fold the corners of the bread..Once you get hold of all the corners of the bread, juz give a slight twist on the top portion of it, to form a mini purse...Now add u have to do is fry them in oil...This dish is so easy to prepare and is sure a visual delight...You can add or remove masalas as ur taste bud needs...All you need is juz a lil practice in making those purses which I'm sure you can become perfect after a couple of trials..Love to hear from u guys on how it turned out...So don't forget to come back to my blog for pening a few words on ur success with this dish..
This dish goes to "Tasty Bites for Toddlers" Event hosted by PJ.
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