Feb 26, 2009

Tomato Corriander Chutney

Well, here comes another 5 minute chutney...I've already done this 3 times since last week, in all those hurry-burry times of busy mornings n hubby dear who loves variety in his food, has never complained even once about it...n also this chutney was gone so quickly tat i still cudn't take a snapshot of it....wat else cud better prove how good this chutney was...

  • Oil - 1 tbsp
  • Urad Dhal - 1 tsp
  • Chana dhal - 1 tsp(opt)
  • Onion - 1/2 of medium
  • Tomato - 1 medium
  • Coriander leaves
  • Mustard seeds - 1tsp
  • Red Chili - 1 or 2


In a pan, add oil, urad dhal, channa dhal and then onion. Saute onion. Once the onion becomes translucent, add tomatoes and saute till it is almost cooked. Add coriander leaves and then saute for another minute. Switch off the flame, Cool it and then grind such that it does not become too smooth..

Now for seasoning:

to heated oil, add mustard seeds and curry leaves. Add this to the ground chutney. Your Tomato Coriander Chutney is ready to be served.


  1. Hi kavitha,

    I tried this chutney .
    It came v. nice taste.

  2. ur most welcome sheela...thanx for giving the recipe a try...keep trying and commenting more da..

  3. Nice.I added red chillies and little tamarind to that.

  4. hey i tried this chutney last week.. twas yummmmmmmmmmmm... seriously was worth the try.. i wud surely do it a lot more times..

  5. yeah even i added a lil red chilli to it as i like my dishes hot..

  6. happy tat it turned out well n u enjoyed it...

  7. knw wat, even i added some red chillies...itz juz tat i forgot to add it to the post..sorry abt tat..


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