May 5, 2015

Tawa Pulao

This is one of the famous street food in Mumbai and made in tawa , Saw this recipe here and tried it as I did not have big tawa made it in normal kadai ..

Ingredients needed :
  • Cooked rice - 2 cups
  • Boiled green peas - 1/2 cup
  • Carrot - 1 
  • Beans - 10
  • Capsicum - 1
  • Onion - 2
  • Tomato - 1
  • Potato - 2
  • Paav Bhaji Masala powder - 2 tsp.
  • Chili powder - 1/2 tsp. 
  • Coriander leaves 
  • Butter 
  • Salt


          Cook rice and keep it aside. Chop carrots, beans, capsicum, onions, tomatoes . If using dried green peas , soak it overnight and pressure cook it till done...roughly chop potatoes and boil it till done ...

Heat kadai + butter + onions and fry it for few minutes to this add capsicum and fry it + tomatoes + carrot + beans + coriander leaves + green peas + potatoes to this add paav bhaji masala powder + chili powder and mix it well and cook till done to this add cooked rice and gently mix it well . 

Tawa pulao is ready to serve goes well with raita ...I served it with Potato paneer croquettes and Rice Phirni.

Apr 23, 2015

Potato Paneer Croquettes

Ingredients needed : 
  • Potato - 4
  • Grated Paneer - 1/ 2 cup 
  • Onion - 1
  • Corn flour  - little
  • Maida - 2 tsp.
  • Coriander leaves - little
  • Garam masala powder 
  • Chili powder - little (or)
  • Green chili - 1
  • Hing - little
  • Turmeric powder 
  • Salt
  • Oil for deep frying 
  • Bread crumbs 

Method : 

           Wash and roughly chop potaotes and boil well till done , peel the skin and mash it well . Grate paneer finely , Chop coriander leaves ...

Finely chop onions and add little salt and set aside for few minutes, by then water will ooze out of onion , squeeze excess water and use it ..

In a bowl add mashed potato + grated paneer + chopped onions + chopped coriander leaves + corn flour + maida + salt + turmeric powder + garam masala powder + chili powder / chopped green chili + hing powder and mix it well and take some dough and make small roundels or make in oblong shape ..

In a small bowl add 2 tsp. of maida and mix it with water and make a paste ...grind bread slices in mixie using pulse / whip button and make bread crumbs and take it in a plate  ...

take the potato paneer balls and dip it in maida mixture and then roll it in bread crumbs and place it in a plate and place it in fridge for some time say for 30 minutes or so and then deep fry it in oil till done ..

Yummy and Crispy Potato paneer croquettes are ready ..serve it with tomato sauce . 

Variations : 
  • You can add sweet corn , capsicum ..
  • Instead of paneer , you can make with cheese cubes a small cheese cube in the middle of potato mixture and fry it ..

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